The Life with Queen April !

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Project Life Week 8

Sunday: February 21, 2010 : Of course my little one is the only one awake at night with me. I found him in his sister's bed playing his DS. Too cute.

Monday - February 22, 2010 Here I am sick, I went to the doctor and could not even open my eyes because they were so watery and I was just so plain tired.

Wednesday, February 23, 2010: I am so proud of my son, he got 2 more pins for Cub Scouts. I am a proud mommy.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010:  I love looking for Micah at night and seeing where he is asleep. Sometimes he's with us, his brother or with Hannah.

Thursday, February 25, 2010 i have 2 pictures. The first one over 20 oneisies my husband cut and sewed for Baby Devin since he needs little T-Shirts because of his G-Tube. good job hunny...
Second one is: I need to start to be at work at 8:00 a.m. So my first day I was in the parking lot at 8 a.m. so that counts for me...yeah.

Friday, February 25, 2010 Here is Devin at his brother's baseball game playing against Carroll. Yes Moody Won. Here is Lexia and Heather. It was so cold that night.

Saturday, February 26, 2010. Here is an overview of our Saturday. As you can see when Micah has the ball he is happy but when the ball is taken away he pouts. Popo took us to McDonalds after the game so the kids could eat 0.99 pancakes. As you can see Micah sure does love his brother. Hannah and Popo together. Afterwards the kids played outside. They were being silly. Look at Dylan getting stuck.

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