The Life with Queen April !

Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Pen Drop

Tonight I came home from my 1st day back at work since I had been sick with a Cold and from taking my final for one of my classes that ended today and it was quiet when I walked in. I mean you could hear my footsteps down the hallway, even a pen drop. That is how quiet it was. I wondered uhh ohhh where is everyone. Hannah was with her Auntie Arlene and the boys were not in sight. As I approached the kitchen where my hubby was I asked where is Dylan and Micah, he stated, "Asleep" @ 7:30 p.m. I dont think my kids have ever gone to bed that early. Micah he pooped in his underwear again. He is potty trained only by #1 but as far as #2 he hides under the bed or under the table. So my hubby was kind of irriated today because he sat him down about 4 times trying to get him to poop but would not budge until he was under the table. So I did not mess around with that subject. As for Dylan I asked what did he do? He did not do what he was told. Dylan has chores and is expected to do them daily when needed. We should not have to tell him every day what needs to be done, he has been doing the same chores for over a year already and still can not seem to remember. Vince said that he specifically told him what to do and he did not do it correctly only bits and pieces. Needless to say this weekend I will be doing a weekly chart for all 3 of my kids. I need to figure out a process to help them.

It was quite weird coming home to a Quiet home....Kind of

As for tomorrow Dylan and Micah will be well rested...

Queen April

1 comment:

Joy said...

ya I think the chart thing would be good for them to see what they have accomplished.