The Life with Queen April !

Monday, February 1, 2010

More changes in the cortinas household.

Today was a great day for us. We went to Open house at Annapolis Christian Academy and Dylan's class opened up with prayer in Latin. He did great. Very proud momma. we then visited each one of our children's classes for next year. Micah will be in Pre-k and go 3 days out of the week from 8:30-12:30 and Hannah will be in kindergarden and Dylan in 4th. Hannah was so excited, she wants to start tomorrow. As for Micah he liked the play area and Dylan was excited about what his 4th grade teacher was talking about. I know that God will make a way for all of my children to attend this private school. We trust in him.

On another note: My husband and I had been talking about how we wanted to pray as a family before Dylan goes to bed at night but we had been putting it off. You know Busy can do that to you. But it has been on my mind to do this and I decided that February would be the month. So tonight as soon as we got home I bathed the little ones for my hubby ( spreading the love) then checked Dylan's homework and guess what he did not miss any on his math homework, he is getting better at checking his work. Then my little ones were ready to watch a movie but I decided to go get my hubby and let him know that tonght would be the night where we pray as a family in the living room. He was laying down already but got up and we all held hands and decided to start with the little ones to say what they wanted to pray for. Micah just sucked his thumb so we passed him up, hannah wanted to pray for her family and Dylan prayed for his grandpa in the valley who is dying of cancer, i prayed for my family members to serve the Lord, I prayed for Haiti, i also prayed for the Lord to make a way to provide us with the financial resources to send all three of our children to private school and then hubby prayed for everything and then Hannah decided to pray again but this time for her popo dog that died that he be in Heben (heaven) was too cute. We all then gave each other hugs and kisses. That felt so good, we will then make it a point to stop the busy and procrastinating and make it a point to spend atleast 10 mintues praying with our children.  I already pray with Dylan every morining on our way to school. Sometimes i will ask him to pray and i can tell that he listens to my prayers because he tries to repeat what i say.I am a proud mommy of my children.

Thank you Lord for them, I am truly blessed.

1 comment:

Joy said...

How sweet. That is such a good thing to do with your kids. they learn so much from you. They will remember this when they're older. And it's cute that they think of praying for others.