The Life with Queen April !

Saturday, February 20, 2010

photos and organization and back up

So you heard that I was trying to turn my negatives into CD's and trying to store the photos I have in my computer to CD's. Well this has really been on my mind since my cousin lost all her photos on her portable hard drive.

So you heard about how much it was going to cost me to get my negatives converted so my awesome Husband did some homework and decided that our best route since i have so many negatives would be to buy negative converter. So he looked online and found one in stock at Best Buy for only $129. So my hubby took me last night and bought it for me. I was so excited. I went straight to work last night and started and scanned over 329 items which if i would have taken to Sam's since it was the cheapest would have cost me $59. And if the lady would have charged me for the 256 photos she scanned for me at walmart that would have been $84.50.
A total of $143.50. So I already made my money back on the converter i bought because i have a lot more to scan....I mean a it was worth it.

So here is a picture of my little machine..... I was so happy last night because I actually scanned all of my 1st born Dylan's 1st birthday party.....I was so I get to scrap them and have copies. Back then when I took pictures with my 35mm i never got CD's.

So today my hubby took me to Office Depot to buy a label make for the CD' I started getting to work today with it. I have already downloaded to a CD November 2009, December 2009 and January 2010 photos. I would like to scan all of my negatives and burn all my photos to CD's my then end of March 2010.
It will take me time since I am still going to school.

But I am also making sure to download my photos daily to my computer and put them in date order.
I have decided this year I will be organized especially with something I have such a passion for:
Photos of my Family.

  • What I do is create a folder called 2010
  • Then in that 2010 folder I create another folder called Jan 2010 etc....
  • Then inside that folder I then create folders for each day of the month..Jan 1-Saturday
So as you can tell I am very excited to have a process that works for me.

Do you have a process for your photos?

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