The Life with Queen April !

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Feeling like a Hoarder! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Feeling like a HOARDER!
but I'm NOT!
OK I am hooked to the TLC and all the shows that come on especially the "Hoarder" show. I watch this show and freak out because how can you let this stuff get built up. Well if you know me well you know I am a clean freak and love to clean when I am in the mood. When I do start cleaning boy do I get in the zone. I love to re-organize and reorganize and purge. I do not like to hold on to things, especially clothes. I always have a box in my room or closet and that is for clothes or things that I do not want and will get rid of. As for my hubby on the other hand he holds on to things and loves to pick things up on the side of the road and go to garage sales and so on and so on. I get so irriated because if you saw our garage then you know why I get annoyed. 

Let me show you a sneak peak.
well every time I walk into the garage I start having anxiety attacks because I start freaking out because of all the stuff we have in the garage. Let me tell you half of this stuff is good old VINCE....Yup so much of it. I finally laid down the law and told him that this Saturday the 21st we were going to take everything out of the garage and purge and get rid of a lot of stuff. Well my hubby surprised me and started to take everything out of the garage and start cleaning it.

So when I got home today I decided that I would start working on the garage also. I work faster then hubby, I am a hustler. I start moving and moving and moving. I was at it from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. and we made a lot of progress. My feet hurt and I am tired. Here is a little preview of how our garage looks. I am getting excited.

I am so excited you can actually see the floor. I should of taken a picture before but he had already started moving the stuff out. As you can see their is a whole side that needs to be purged. 

so these cabinets used to be in my scrapbook room but since I had to give up my scrapbook room for my boys so we moved them outside so I can store Vince baking and cooking stuff in here. and there is  a little space for us to fold the clothes as soon as it comes out of the dryer.....I love to fold the clothes as soon as it comes out of the dryer vs leaving it in the baskets to get wrinkle.....but that's another post later. lol

If you would have seen this side you would have freaked out . Look it's clean. There are my 4 recycle bins and our deep freezer and my wrapping paper and party bags. It was getting late so we ended it tonight. Tomorrow we will continue. If it was up to me I would throw everything away. 

Here are our recycle buckets. 1 for cardboard's, 1 for plastics, 1 for cans and 1 for misc. 

So as you can see we are working on cleaning out our garage. I will post another picture later of the final outcome. I am getting excited. We are probable going to have a garage sale on Saturday and see what we get rid of. Anything that we do not sell will be donated somewhere. 

So do not go thinking I am a hoarder, It was just my garage. 
I want to get storage containers and a label maker to help my husband get organized. 
Thanks hubby for cleaning the garage.

Too be continued.................................

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