The Life with Queen April !

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Where does the TIME go?

Talk about where does the time go? We got up went to church, then went to eat, then had to go get more primer for my living room, then had to run into Walmart to get detergent soap and now we are home and it is already 3:12 p.m. I had to run in and put a load in the washer while having my one year old crying behind me because he is ready for a nap. Because Daddy has him spoiled, I had to stop and come and lay with him for a while so he could go to sleep. Now i just put up clean clothes and am currently waiting for my husband to stir the paint so i can begin painting. We only have until 5:30 the latest because we have communion tonight at church. I also have homework that needs to be done for class on Tuesday along with come home tonight to watch, "Army Wives" and "Design Star". Talk about busy.............................Does anyone know how I am feeling right now? There is not enough time in the day for everything that needs to be done.

I know some of you are probably saying, "You don't have to paint today do you?" Well, Yes because my husband has been remodeling my living/kitchen for quite sometime already and I am ready for my living room to be back to normal. So if I give my husband an inch to spare then he will spare a whole yard and we can't have that. Mama needs things to flow and be on a schedule......

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